Friday 22 November 2013

22nd November 2013

Everyone grows up. And when time pass by you will start to be more mature. You will start to change the way you think of things. Scientist proves that guys mature rate is slower than us, girls. But well it actually depends on who you hang out with and how your parent/family have been teaching and guiding you in the process of growing up. Friends is actually the most influential impact on the process of your maturity. This is because if you have a 'nonsensical' friends, which does immature things, you would be doing what they are doing. Why? Because you are trying to fit in! You are trying to be part of them. You THOUGHT by camouflaging into them makes you a grown up and you don't want/won't want to be abandon by any of your friends because its so 'UNCOOL'. But of course eventually this bunch of 'immature' friends and you would eventually be mature but at a later age when you've step into the society or when you've a family, which is a lot lot lot more slower than those who hangs out with more successful people(older generation/working adults). This actually means that they would eventually realised how stupid they used to be. I mean who doesn't have those stupid memories when we are younger? All those stupid things we have done and we actually regret and think 'hey! Why did I do that? That's stupid'. Isn't it? But that's the past, looking back at those memories is just a laughing matter to be brought about and if you were to be young once again, I think you would still do the same thing. Or maybe not. Haha. Because everyone was once young. Everyone have been through that stage whereby they are rebellious, playful, acting cool, fitting in, gets mad over little things cause of immature thinkings and etc. Teenagers = in the mids of finding themselves. I have no idea why I'm talking about this LOL. But well, as I grow I start to think. I start to realised what I did was stupid, I start to make everything right, I start to change the way I think of things(positive mindset), I start to appreciate myself, I start to love myself as much as I could. Have you been through my stage? 


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