Monday 13 October 2014

11th October 2014 // Trick Eye Museum

 Hey there! I bet everyone knows about the Trick Eye Museum that opened in a few months back! And yeah! Im the slow one that have just been there a few days back! However, there is pro in being slow! Why did I say that? Because most people have went to Trick Eye and there wont be that much people going as the craze dies off. Just like how when the new Apple product have launch their new Iphone5, 5s, 6 and etc! Oh well, it does not totally "DIES OFF" but there wont be that much crowd and long queue as compared to how it was when it firstly open/launch. There wasn't queue when we reached and we didnt had to queue for the tickets and the entrance of the museum! HEHE. Despite there wasnt any queue outside, the crowd in the museum isnt as empty as we expected! It wasnt really packed but there's a numerous amount of people! To the extend that you'll have a hard time taking picture because people are crowding all over the phototaking spot! Which makes it relatively hard to us to find the angle and snap a picture. Or maybe it is because the museum is just a little too small? Even though my bf and I had went round and round for a couple of hours, the crowd just doesnt seems to dies. When a crowds exits, there would be another crowd coming in and the cycle repeats. The tickets is only for $25! Which is at a really really reasonable price. It is a really great experience with my bf! So here's a spam of my bf's and my glamorous pictures. Not. 

At the end of the day when I look back at my pictures, I regret the shit I've done! When I think back, I wonder why didnt I did any crazier shit and create more funny moment and something more worth remembering in my memory lane.


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