Wednesday 3 April 2013

3rd April 2013

I know this days is crazy.
I've been throwing my temper now and then.
I'm no longer tolerating bullshits but just just shoot when I think I'm innocent and I'm right.
I might be wrong sometimes.
But I know I have this stubborn characteristic that will never give in.
I used to give in a lot. But now I learn that giving in doesn't actually solves the problem.
It just made me keep things to myself.
I no longer want to be so lonely and depress.
No longer wants to lose friends.
I hate that feeling.
I'm sorry if I'm selfish but everyone in a relationship have friends.
Doesn't mean that they are in rs they would give up on friends.
And from the start I keep on saying that I don't like to choose between friend and bf.
but she took a step back just because she know that its hard on me to choose every time.
Now I'm no longer that close to her but I still appreciate her as my true best friends of all close friends and friends I have.
Sorry for being so emotional. Sorry for being selfish. Sorry for making everything seems like your mistakes.
It's not your fault. Both parties are at fault.
There's no right and wrong in rs.
Both of us just have to stand strong and go through all this obstacle.
I know its really hard on you these days cause I have guy friends in my clique now.
But guy friends doesn't mean I will like them.
Sometimes when you talk abt them I think abt you too. Since its what you think they will do, will you do that to other girls too?
I won't know. And I don't want to know.
Sometimes I really think a lot.
Especially when I'm all alone.
My mind will be running wild.
Sometimes I doubt myself.
Sometimes I lose faith.
And I still wonder the reason why would you accepted me?
Still wonder why you would like me?
Why you would ask me to be your gf when I have no looks, no figures, no good temper, no a good gf ?
I'm sorry for all the mistakes and sorry for doing things you dislike.
I'm sorry.
I still love you a lot. Nothing can change that fact.
I'm really scared that I will lose you one day. I really am.


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